Himalaya Liv52 Syrup to Improve Liver Functions, a food supplement for liver patients, contains a group of natural herbs such as calendula, senna, dandelion, wolfberry, and cardamom that work to support the health of the liver and help it perform its function, as well as protect the liver from chronic diseases and regenerates Liver cells and prevents them from being damaged Himalaya Liv52 syrup uses to improve liver function Hepatitis C
Liv-52 consists of seven herbs including Capparis spinosa (Himsara), Cichorium intybus (Kasani), Mandur bhasma, Solanum nigrum (Kakamachi), Terminalia arjuna (Arjuna), Cassia occidentalis (Kasamarda), Achillea millefolium (Biranjasipha), and Tamarix gallica (Jhavaka).
It is an Indian ayurvedic medicine and has been used for the treatment of hepatic disorders. RCT from Europe showed that Liv-52 has an effect on advanced cirrhosis induced by alcohol, although it was primarily used for ALD treatment. In contrast, Liv-52 improved PPAR-γ suppression and TNF-α expression in HepG2 cells.
Improving Liver Functions
Protecting Liver from Chronic Diseases
Renewing Liver Cells and Preventing them from Damage
How to Use Himalaya Liv52 Syrup to Improve Liver Functions
Please consult with your doctor to prescribe the appropriate dosage for your condition
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