Shama Bleach gives you longer-lasting protection from germs, whilst helping to prevent the build-up of limescale, which is where germs multiply. Thick Bleach is a multi-surface cleaner for around your home. It can be used as a bathroom cleaner or even as a drainer cleaner!
Shama Bleach is manufactured to meet a high-quality Standard
How to use:
Disinfection and extended germ kill: – toilets: apply under the rim (around 80ml) and leave it to act for 15 minutes.
For extended germ kill action and remove stains leave the product to act overnight.
Kitchen/bathroom drains: squirt into the drain to disinfect and eliminate unpleasant smells.
Sinks: squirt into plugholes and overflow; leave for 5 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.
Use dilute – disinfection: – floors and work surfaces – 120 ml of Thick Bleach per 5 liters of water. Do not use neat on floors.
Dishcloths and sponges – 60 ml of Thick Bleach in half bucket of water for soaking.
Use dilute – bleaching: – to bleach whites: 20ml of Thick Bleach per 5 liters of water, for overnight soaking. Rinse after use.
For septic tanks add 20ml. Always use a plastic container. Suitable for use in septic tanks.
Always Keep out of reach of children!
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